Friday, October 26, 2012

Fat Blaster Express Workout

Why is it that fat is only cute on babies? I mean, my babies were as fat as they come...20 lbs at 2 months! haha! I remember trying to pawn them off on people to hold, because all that dead weight killed!! But, dang they were cute and squishable... and extra chewy.

Most adults struggling with weight loss don't usually get the same reaction.  I remember after I had my second baby, a lady at church referred to me as "big boned," and then later as "quite chubby." Arghh! I  just gave birth to a person lady! Give me a break!

It took me a couple years to get the weight off, unfortunately. (I had an extremely high risk pregnancy where I was bedridden and on heavy medications for 9 months, which later prevented any immediate weight loss.) Til then I was plagued with "when are you due?" questions and "that doesn't look like you" when people saw my before prego pictures. Nice. Those were usually the days I felt "skinny."

Oh, well. Life is a journey isn't it? Although not always fun, you sure do learn a lot about yourself and what drives and moves you.

Soon after baby number 2, I didn't have a lot of time to workout. I had to learn to maximize the little amount of time I did have...which was usually about 30 to 45 minutes. This "Fat Blaster" was a typical workout I would do. (Although I didn't actually start doing higher intensity workouts until my baby was about 6 months old.) It helped me burn about 400 calories in about 30 minutes. Plus, it left my metabolism running high the rest of the day.  I incorporated this type of quick and hard routine about twice a week. After a 5 minute warm-up I would go in hard, sweating like a pretty little pig:) haha! It was awesome!!

So go far it. Kill it! I DARE YOU!!!!

1.  Try to get as many rounds as you can of this sequence in 15 minutes. 
     -   10 push-ups
     -   10 squat thrusters (aka squat to overhead military press); use heavy weights (10 lbs or more)
     -   10 squat jumps
     -   10 sit ups (back to mat, chest to knees)

2.  After a two minute recovery break (don't sit down, walk it off and get some water) again, do as many rounds as you can in 15 minutes.
     -   10 burpees
     -   10 reverse crunches
     -   10 bicycle abs
     -   10 power lunges (10 on each leg, 20 total)

record your number and next time try to beat it! Then, cool down and stretch.



  1. Awesome article! I definitely want to try that work-out because I love small work-outs I can do before I rush in to work.

    1. And then you'll have t report back because I want to hear how "fantastic" you feel the next day! ;)

  2. Burpees are killers. Excited to try this along with that bootilicious workout. Riding to and from work tomorrow and need my leg strength, so I'll wait until Wednesday. :)


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