Friday, January 18, 2013

Are You READY To Change?

What are your New Year's resolutions? Have you started? If not, what's holding you back? Or, what's pushing you forward? Recently, I've met with several prospective clients or gym members who've quit before they even started any of their goals. Seems like the cloud of doom and frustration is taking over, much like the freakishly annoying, debilitating, and toxic winter inversion currently plaguing my community. Still, roadblocks will always be there trying to stifle out any desire for progress. I believe though in order for change to happen, you gotta really want it. And if you're not there's ok.

We are all different. Obviously. Each at various levels and phases of "readiness." Sometimes it takes years to change, others a brief moment. Sometimes we take a path and never look back. Other times, it's two steps forward, one step back. Everyone has a different journey. For me, change often occurs after a small seed of desire is planted. After it grows stronger, I'm ready and willing to do whatever it takes to make things happen. Of course, some of my seeds haven't flourished much...

Perfect example. Almost everybody I know knows I LOVE Diet Coke. You've seen that billboard with a Coke bottle and next to it reads, "Open Happiness?" That is my sentiment exactly!!! haha! Now, I'm not an advocate for drinking Diet Coke or any soda for that matter. I realize it's a small vice of mine that I should at some point overcome. And even with all the evidence and research proclaiming its harmful effects and people giving me crap all the time for drinking it, I'm not ready to quit. And boy am I stubborn!! haha! I'm even sipping a 16 ouncer right now!! Shhh. don't tell! Yeah...I know. BUT, I'm not afraid to show my flaws. I'm human after all, though I do strive to improve myself even if ceasing or scaling back my diet coke consumption isn't on my to do list right now. I'm ok. Believe me. I got other stuff;) 

But, when you are ready to conquer your beast, don't let anyone or anything hold you back. Especially YOU! It's true. You are your own worst critic. Many of us self-sabotage regularly. Why do we do that? It's annoying!! I know it's been a challenge for me in the past. It doesn't have to be. Here's how.

Our words, our thoughts have a lot of influence over our actions. Truly. You're in the driver seat. You can make things happen if you really want them to. Sure, there will be obstacles along the way.  But, ultimately you decide what you're willing to do to get to where you want to go. So what are you telling yourself?

Do your thoughts sound like any of these?

1.  It's just too hard.
2.  It's not meant to be. If it was, it would be easier.
3.  I'm bored.
4.  I'm really uncomfortable.
5.  I feel exposed.
6.  What will others think of me?
7.  I'm tired.
8.  I gave it a go. Time to give up.
9.  I'm really not THAT bad.
10. It's really not THAT great to be THAT anyway.
11. I'll just start next week, next month, next year...
12. I'm just going to live a little.
13. I'm not hurting anyone.
14. I'm just not strong enough or good enough.

A few words from anonymous... "Ultimately what determines the outcome of a person's life? Small decisions, one at a time, each and every day. I can't decide what my tomorrow self will do, but I can decide what the me of today will decide. I can't decide for my yesterday self, because my yesterday self no longer exists. But today I will choose to be strong. "

Positive thoughts have so much more power than negative. You don't believe me? Try these simple phrases every day. Say them out loud. Write them down. Believe them. Push those doubts out of your mind. They are just useless, needless thoughts. Kick 'em to the curb!!

1. Life's too short not to go after what I really want.
2. I want to be my best self.
3. That which is hard makes me stronger.
4. This builds discipline.
5. I feel courageous and brave.
6. This time I'm going to finish
7. One day at a time.
8. Yesterday was yesterday, today is today.
9. I love me.
10. I like me.
11. I believe in me.
12. I don't need it. I want it.
13. I only live once. How do I want the story of my life to go?
14. If I fall, I will get back up.

A little comic relief...funny stuff!!

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