Sunday, September 9, 2012

Monday Mania: Tabata Sprints!

It's Tabata time again!! And always a fun surprise when I announce Tabata sprints in my Monday morning tread class. 8:30 AM! Rise and Shine! "Doesn't it feel like Christmas morning?" That's what I usually ask after I make the big reveal. After you do this workout I want you to ask yourself that same question.... I promise it'll either be an emphatic yes, or no. No, will probably be followed by, "That sucked!!! I hated every minute of it!" and Yes,  ironically the same, "That sucked!!! I hated every minute of it! Haha.

A couple years ago I wrote this article titled, "The Tabata Method" for Healthy Utah Magazine. It's probably a good idea to read it before doing this exercise, just so you get a better understanding of the reasons behind the madness. Tabata is the most difficult high intensity workout out there. It's not recommended for the novice exerciser, but more for the typical gym rat or athlete (aka intermediate or advanced level). 

Remember, Tabata is not for the faint at heart, but it's not impossible either. YOU CAN DO IT! It's more of a mental challenge than anything really. You have to go in fighting for every round. It's worth the short-term misery. I promise. It will leave your metabolism running at a higher level for hours after, which means more calories and fat burned.

Ever heard of EPOC? Exercise Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption? Basically the real fat burning takes place several hours after your workout. That's why interval training is so effective for weight loss (just make sure you incorporate intervals no more than 3 times a week, alternate days. Also, Tabata shouldn't be done more than twice a week, one preferably.)

So this one's hot of the press! It's a twofer!! My tread class hasn't done the Tabata sprint twice in one hour yet! So I'm putting this out there. We'll see if they have what it takes. Do YOU have what it takes?!!!

Good luck!

(caution: if you haven't tried a Tabata drill before, proceed with caution. If you feel any light headedness, dizziness, or nausea, cease the drill. Walk if off and get some air. Try again next time. Remember, this is hard stuff. Not everyone can or should do it. Be smart and know your limits. You're awesome just being brave enough to try!)


  1. Thanks for the Tabata butt whoopin this morning!! It's one of those love hate relationships:)

    1. Those are the best kind! haha! I love to bring that smile to your face:) Soooooo glad you came today!!


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