Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Run Like Flo Jo: Melissa's 90 Min Tread Workout!

If you were alive in the 80's you'd probably remember Flo Jo, aka Florence Joyner. Considered to be the "fastest woman of all time," Flo set world records for the 100 and 200 meters, which have yet to be challenged. I remember, as a kid being fascinated by her athletic power and speed...AND by her freakishly long fingernails!!

So you want to run like Flo Jo? You got to train like Flo Jo. Sure, she had natural talent, good genes, and an able body, but that will only get you so far. You want to look and feel like an athlete, you have to TRAIN like one.

So, try this 90 minute treadmill workout on for size. It's vigorous. It's intense. Lots of speed, power, and endurance drills. The goal is to try and reach 1,000 calories burned and/or 8 miles. Most of us made it this past Monday in class. Way to go ladies!!! (At least, my "treadmill" burned 1,100 calories. haha! Sadly, I left my heart rate monitor at home.)

Before you attempt to do this, and "run like Flo Jo," be prepared! Have water and Gatorade/Powerade handy. Eat a nourishing and healthy breakfast and drink about 20 ounces of water an hour before go time. Make sure to wear good, comfortable running shoes that give your toes some wiggle room and have good arch support. This will kick your behind like no other, so please keep your fitness level in mind and how you're feeling. Walk if you need to. And if you get light headed, nauseous, or dizzy, today is probably not your day. Stop the workout, lay down, put your feet up, and breathe. There's always tomorrow:)

Here we go!

Minute              Incline            Pace
1-5                     0                       5.5
5                        5                       5
6                        5                       6.5
7                        6                       4.5
8                        6                       6.5
9                        7                       4
10                      7                       6
11                      8                       3.5
12                      8                       5.8
13                      9                       3.5
14                      9                       5.8
15                      10                     3
16                      10                     5.7
17                      11                     3
18                      11                     5.6
19                      12                     3
20                      12                     5.6
21                      13                     3
22                      13                     5.5
23                      14                     3
24                      14                     5.4
25                      15                     3
26                      15                     5.3
27-32                 5                       5.5
32:00                 0                       9.5
32:30                 0                       9.2
33:00                 0                       8.9
33:30                 0                       5 (after 90 sec. recovery, repeat 5 times)   
47                      0                       7.0
50                      0                       7.5
53                      12                     3.0
55                      12                     6.5 (sprint 20 sec, jump off 10 sec; repeat 8 times)
59                      0                       3.0
61                      0                       5.5
63                      3                       5.5
65                      3                       6.0
67                      0                       7.0
70                      0                       5.0
71                      0                       7.5 (try to get half a mile in 4 min.)
75                      0                       5.0
77                      0                       8.5 (1 lap around the track (.250), 90 sec.)
78:30                 0                       3.0
80                      3                       5.5
83                      3                       6.0
86-90                 0                       3.0



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