Sunday, March 31, 2013

Kelly's Amazing Weight loss Success!

First off, my hat is off to Kelly (my client) for being such a brave soul, allowing me to post his freakishly amazing results! Kelly, you rock!! Congrats my friend!

I've worked with Kelly for a few months now. He came to me ready to work hard and do whatever it took to make real and lasting changes to his physique, health, and lifestyle.  

He jumped in with both feet and in just a couple of months

Kelly's Results:
- went from 174 to 152 lbs
- went from 27% to 14.6% body fat
- went from pant size 34 loose cut to 31 slim fit

Questions For Kelly:

1. What was your weekly fitness regiment before you started training with Melissa? Almost nothing. Basketball 1 to 2 times per week. 

2. Why did you decide to hire a trainer? I wanted to get healthier for myself, kids, and my wife. I was tired of packing around an unattractive gut. I wanted to stop cringing when I looked in the mirror. 

3. Besides losing weight and body fat, what are some other changes you've noticed from training and nutrition counseling? I feel younger. My sex life and marriage are better. I'm generally a happier person. Personal training, exercise, and diet paired with accountability to someone who knows how and what to do is a life changer.

What is the definition of insanity? "Doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result."

Making changes are never easy, especially when it comes to breaking bad habits. It's never too late to make your life, your health, a priority.  

Kelly is proof that with hard work, dedication, and a little humility, you can make significant improvements in your health.

When is the best time to start?

Today. Right now. What do you have to lose?

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