Sunday, September 29, 2013

Which HARD Are You Going To Choose?

First of all, do you WANT to change? Because if you don't, there's no need to continue reading this article. And that's ok. Sometimes we just need to simply be, without trying to look for something to fix. With all the pressure that society puts on us to conform or change, just remember, ultimately you decide. 

If real, lasting change is to occur, you have to really want it. So much that no external or internal influence can stop you. And when you finally arrive at a choice that is all you, your will and power takes on a new strength of its own. A strength you never knew you had, an unstoppable force to be reckoned with.

Life is change. Sometimes we can control it. Other times we can't. Either way, when we adapt to those changes, we grow, though often pain precedes that growth. 

Change is hard. And many times, there are no short cuts. We have to be willing to travel right through the center of that struggle to earn the greatest rewards. And to do that, we have to act, to choose.

What choices do you have? It's helpful to look and analyze what you have in front of you, especially those difficult choices. Where will they take you? Where do you want to go? Why do you want to go there? What is it going to take to get there? 

So, which path are you going to take? Which HARD are you going to choose? I've asked myself that question many times in my life when I've had important decisions to make. One path may seem impossible to bear at the beginning, yet, farther down the road looks better and brighter, while, another path, fairly easy and fun at the beginning, gets old and stale, turning bleak as the effects of choices take their tole and turn into more suffering. 

Client #1

Years ago, a woman named Amy came to me for help with nutrition. Her health was in jeopardy, and she needed to lose 60 pounds. Her doctors diagnosed Amy as pre-diabetic and hypertensive. With a waist circumference of 45 inches, she also had metabolic syndrome. She had constant joint pain from the extra weight, suffered from insomnia, and experienced a high level of stress from her job.

I feared for her life if she didn't start making changes soon. I didn't see how her health would turn around if she didn't start eating better. Amy's doctors had scared her to death. She knew what diabetes would do to her and how it would affect her high-stress job and raising her small children. She had a desire to change, more out of fear, but that wasn't enough. 

After a few weeks, she gave up. She said it was too hard. She didn't have enough time to eat breakfast or make healthy meals. 

I asked her when she came to me frustrated, "Amy, you have two paths in front of you. Both are hard. Which hard are you going to choose?"

I didn't see her again after that. I hope she's well. At that point, she wasn't ready. However, I think a seed was planted, and hopefully one day...maybe today...she is ready. 

Client #2

On the flip side, I have another client who has lost over 40 pounds in 6 months. It hasn't been easy for her, and she's faced many of the same obstacles many of my other clients have faced. Yet, Kristina came in ready and on fire! She's never looked back. It's been thrilling for me to be a part of her journey and transformation. She is truly an inspiration. Great job Kristina!!

Baby Steps

You decide if you're ready or not. But, don't let FEAR stop you! You don't have to tackle big things or everything all at once. It's ok to take small steps, even if they can only be seen through a microscope. haha. You're still heading in the right direction!

And don't worry about what someone else is doing. Let them go ahead and solve world hunger. Today, all you need to focus on is putting one foot in front of the other...metaphorically speaking of course. 

If all you can do is focus on that one thing, so be it.You're already on the right track. After you tackle one goal, move on to the second, and then the third. Go at your own pace. Here's a sample list of weekly goals. (You can do them daily, weekly, or monthly, whatever works for you.) 

1.       Drink 8 glasses of water a day.

2.       Exercises 3 days.
3.       Eat 3 veggies a day.
4.       Get 8 hours of sleep.
5.       Do 2 strength training workouts.
6.       Cut out added sugars: cookies, candy, sweets, etc.
7.       Eat 6 small meals a day.

Get the idea? Now make your own list. 

I would like feedback on this one. What path are you taking to nutrition and wellness? Are you stuck? Do you need a kick in the pants or some kind words to get you going again? I can do both!!!:)

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